Sunday, 20 January 2013


I have another knitted block to add to my PhD today.

The weather here yesterday was disgusting. It hit 46 degrees along with the bush fires and HOT westerly winds made for a very uncomfortable day. As a result, we sat up until 3.30 am in front of the air conditioner trying to cool down. I managed only one block in this time. It is not a hard block by any means but it seems I had to give it my full concentration. I did much more reverse knitting in this block than I did knitting ;-)

This block is called "Loop Stripes"
Cream: Vintage 8 ply pure wool from my Great Aunt Peggy
Orange: Moda Vera 8 ply pure wool

Yes, it was pretty darn hot!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rochelle,
    Beep about the hot weather. We have been suffering those hot temps too and in the last few days have started to cool down. Funny enough, I managed to get more knitting done than anything in this weather too. Air conditioners are great things. Hope the weather gives you a break soon.
    Cheers, Anita.
