Monday, 28 January 2013

Australia Day

I'm pretty late with my Australia Day post. Have been a little too busy to get to the computer.
I had a great Australia Day this year, woke early and made the one hour drive to Salt Ash to Hunter Valley Arabians for their Summer Show 2013. Although my purpose was to help prepare the horses and riders, I didn't get to help out much. Most of the horses had been prepared the night before so there was just a little tidying up, brushing, plaiting, Show Sheen-ing to do and a little braiding of the riders hair too.
I went down and stood at the sidelines to watch the first tow events and my back gave out so I hobbled back up to our campsite and sat myself there for the next few hours. Unfortunately I was pretty useless this time. Connor was able to help out a bit which was good. I managed to get myself kicked by one of the new horses. He was pretty on-edge because his owner/rider was unnecessarily worked up, which of course affected him. I tried to do his mane but the kept striking out at me and as a result I have a couple of nice bruises on my thigh. Thankfully, that's all he could reach.
Here is Connor getting Izzy, the gorgeous little Welshie ready

She is such a good girl

Here is Izzy with her owner and rider, Miss Sarah. Aren't they just the cutest?

Then we left early (because I had injured my back and wasn't feeling too well) and went back to my sister and brother-in-law's house for a lovely Australian Day dinner. The star of the evening was this delicious butterflied roast leg of lamb. The most delicious lamb we had ever eaten.
We partied all night and Connor and I ended up spending the evening.

The next morning, we were up at and it beause it was our cousins' babys' christening. Of course COnnor and I were late to the church. Between being completely unorganised and feeling our way up the freeway through the torrential down pour, we managed to miss the service :-( 
But we managed to catch up with the little tyke at the after party. Not the happiest little chap, he cried and cried. I don't think he was too impressed with that fontanel water.
Cooper (Coopy, Bupa) spent the whole time glued to Connor (Nonnor) 

Awwww, "I lub you Nonnor" and many hugs and kisses ensued. So cute :-) 

I will leave you with not one, but two of my favourite songs that to me represent Australia. Not necessarily Australia Day but certainly Australia.
This first one, has been a favourite song of mine for many, many years. My first husband had this whole album on vinyl and of course, when we divorced, he took it with him, I have been trying to find a copy of this song ever since and finally found it on CD a few weeks ago...

 and then there is this one.... Love it!

Happy Australia Day :-) 

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