Sunday, 12 May 2013


Hi there all,

You have all been so incredibly patient with me and I thank you so much for that.
I am going to get back here to Gladys and Maude very, very soon, that's a promise.
I have so much in the works to surprise you all with including a new little venture that will take me away from quilting a little. Quilting will still be a part og Gladys and Maude but there will be some new and exciting things happening as well.
I will give you a little hint....
I am working hard on getting these done and packaged but currently have a lot of family thing happening as well, including the loss of my grandfather last week.
This is my Pop.
Wasn't he a handsome fellow?
I know I keep saying that I will be back, I will, truely. Just have so much going on and not having access to a computer at home tends to slow me down a bit as well but I will be back and I thank you once again for your patience with me.
Have a fabulous day and Happy Mothers Day...

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