Monday, 27 January 2014

Australia Day

Australia Day this year was quite relaxed.
I did some spinning in the morning,  then went out with my beau for a couple of hours. We just grabbed a milkshake and spent some very valuable time together. It was bliss <3

Then I headed over to my sisters where I played with the kids a little,  did some more spinning then we had a BBQ with marinated lamb chops,  sausages and a vegetable bake.

Later in the evening we played darts.

Happy Australia Daychannelling my inner bogan
Little Oscar with a pumpkin
real Aussie kid with his 2.5kgs of marinated lamb
My beautiful, handsome boy
Our Australia Day spreadOscar and Aunty Chelle watching the darts tournament. 

Oh my, do you have idea just how challenging it is to get pics and words to happily when you're trying to post from a phone? Arrggghhhh.....
Incredibly challenging and frustrating.
Its taking me days to write one pos. :-(

But its finally here now.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Custom Orders

I've only been spinning for six months. I sat down at my gifted little Ashford Traveller one July morning in 2013 after dropping my beau at work and just started spinning.

I haven't looked back.

I thoroughly enjoying spinning and dyeing and natural fibres and I feel I've finally found my creative niche.
I could not have come this far without the support and assistance of some amazing ladies who I've never even met,  The wonderful creative genius behind Inverleigh Fibre Farm and another genius behind Elisabet's. Their gentle encouragement and advice has been invaluable. Along with some other wonderful ladies in the Australian Handspinners and Knitters Group and also the Indie Dyers Down Under.
There must be made mention of the creative colourist behind Forest Hill Hand Dyed Yarns also. Without her support I would never have started my dyeing exploits.

I must also mention my bff and creative genius being Get Knitted. Honestly,  without her encouragement and support,  I don't think I would have even started spinning.

Anyway,  that's not what I'm here for today. I'm here to share with you some of my latest spins.

I'm told my spinning is of an exceptable standard and as a result have been receiving many custom order's. I love it. It keeps my mind active and relaxes me at the same time.

So today I'm sharing some images of a recently spun skein. This is a hand spun, hand dyed raw silk. This silk certainly challenged me. I did not expect it to all be in cocoons. I don't own carders or brushes or anything so I just spun it straight from the cocoons. It was hell on the hands,  often tearing into them as I drafted. I'm so glad I persisted,  I'm incredibly pleased with the outcome, although quite organic,  I really like it.
It had been plied with some gorgeously soft cashmere that I've spun.
The end result is so much nicer than I ever imagined.

Stay tuned as this skein will soon be added to an upcoming yarn stocking for sale. You could have it all to yourself.

Sunday, 5 January 2014


I've started a Rav Group today called Gladys and Maude click on the banner above or the words Gladys and Maude to be taken there.
You can go here to share anything you may have created with Gladys and Maude yarns.
There is a forum where we can talk, share, question and learn. I also hope to get a SAL (Spin-A-Long) and a KAL (Knit-A-Long) happening soon as well.

Please fell very welcome to come on over and join in. We sure look forward to meeting you :-)

Inverleigh Mohair. Absolutely delicious to work with.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Today I spun some gorgeous 18.5 micron merino, hand dyed by Inverleigh Fibre Farm in Wedgwood.
I wanteda rather organic look to the yarn so I spun it irregularly and then plied it with some apricot coloured mohair.

I'll take some more photos once I've skeined it.