Sunday, 18 November 2012

Quiet Time

I know it's been a bit quiet here at Gladys and Maude but truth be known, behind the scenes it's been quite chaotic.

It all stated about 4 weeks ago with the birth of the beautifully precious little Miss Peaches

Then there was the tragic and sudden death of Buttons
It has hit us all very hard and none more than my cousin and her daughters who all loved him more than any words could ever convey. Button's was only four years old and contracted a deadly bacteria. It was one of the saddest, most tragic things I have ever experienced.
Then only a few short days later, poor old Stewie had to be put to sleep with the very same bacteria. It was just awful. His mate, Spooky still calls to him. Man it's sad ;-(
Only a day or two later, my cousin was called out to a terrible raging fire in a suburb close to me.
I was more than happy to jump out of bed at 1.45am when she called to bring her crew some food and drink.
In between all of that (and of course a million other daily tasks that life throws at us), I became VERY ill due to an illness I've been dealing with for several years. After falling over uncharacteristically a few times at work on the Thursday, I made an appointment to see my doctor. Of course he ran the obligitory blood tests on the Friday.
First thing Monday morning, I received a phonecall from him; "Are you stil alive? Are you still breathing, still standing? Get yourself in here ASAP!"
Aparently if I had let it go just a few more hours, I would have undoubtably bled out.
Hmmm, No wonder I was wasn't feeling too well.
My thoughs drifted to the words of the great Spike Milligan;
"I told you I was ill"
Of course, I have been ordered complete bed rest.
How incredibly hard is it to remain in bed? Not only for days at a time but just for hours. It's frustrating. I can't stop thinking of all of the things I could be doing. Creating, cleaning, organinsing, sorting, WORKING!!!
So, the story continues and I am back to the doctors tomorrow to see where to from here.
In the meantime, I have managed to learn a bit of knitting....
Here is my very first knitted block, a heart in intarsia to go into my knitted heirloom rug. Please remember the only knitting I have done in the past, is a few plain and/or purl scarves.
I have used the delicious hand dyed yarns from Forest Hill Hand Dyed Yarns and I have received some expert tuition from the very talented Letitia from Get Knitted.
My second block - another intarsia colour block. Again, using Forest Hill Hand Dyed Yarns
Block number three, my very first attempt at entralac, yes, you guessed it. Forest Hill Hand Dyed Yarns again. I think they are just gorgeous. Not quite as bright and vibrant as you see here but very delicious.
Who knows, if I am bed ridden long enough, I might even finish this whole rug before returning to work. Gee, I hope I'm not off work for that long ;-( Yes, I actua;;ly do love my job and can't wait to get back to it!
In the mean time, please stay posted for more updates from Gladys and Maude.
It's been a rough few weeks but we refuse to be beaten. We here at Gladys and Maude will be back and at it before you can blink an eye.
Have a fabulous week if I don't see you beforehand :-)

We Have A Winner!!!

That's right, we finally have a winner for our Mega Blog Launch Giveaway.
I must admit, I have had some teething problems with RaffleCopter (that I have sunsequently worked out a little too late :-() SO I have drawn the winner using Random.Org
And thte winner is......
That's right, number 6, Ashleigh McLaren.
Please contact me Ashleigh with your mailing details so I can post this awesome prize to you :-)
to YOU!!!!
I hope you enjoy your Gladys and Maude prize package valued at $85.38c
Please do send us some photos of your creations so we can see how very clever you are.
Have fun!
Only 12 hours left until our mega blog launch is drawn.
Enter HERE right now, or you'll miss out!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Monster Blog Launch Giveaway

Well it's finally here. The complete Blog Launch Prize....
Drumroll please..........

To go into the draw to win this amazing prize, please go HERE

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Tilda Fabrics Finally Photographed

Finally!!! I've finally been able to photograph the Tilda Fabrics that I am offering in the Blog Launch Giveaway

I have also uploaded some new bunting into the bunting album, which you can find HERE

As you can see, there are 4 gorgeous Tilda fat 1/4's and 1 white homespun fat 1/4.

Of course I am still to photograph the bunting that will go with this fabric, the scissors and the buttons. I can't believe just how busy life gets and how challenging it can be to make the time to photograph some prizes and then upload them to the blog. It's been a bit insane here.