Wednesday, 9 January 2013

What Now?

Well, now that I'm not working, and it's not looking like I will be re-entering the workforce anytime soon, I have been trying to work out what on earth I am going to do with myself.
I have thought of going back to TAFE, but what would I do? and then there are the fees, how on earth would I pay for those? Time to scrap that idea for now. Then I searched WEA, there are a couple of courses in there that interest me, but the cost is still there and then the outlay for the tools and materials and it's just not a viable option for me right now. Besides, the courses I am interest in only go over one day! Now that's not going to fill in much time is it?

I participated in the #scrappytripalong, which has so far kept me busy for just three evenings.
Here is my #scrappytripalong quilt so far. I used a Balipop and this is as far as I could stretch the 2 1/2" squares, as far as blocks go. I have quite a few odd squares left and I am thinking of adding a strip of three or four squares across the top and the bottom of the quilt to make it longer. I still have plenty of that purple batik that I can add another, wider border to it.
I've come to a bit of a standstill with this, trying to figure out how to make it a little larger and then trying to work out how to quilt it, can I quilt it myself? I certainly don't have the funds to have it quilted this time.
Then I stumbled upon this blog, Red Pepper Quilts where Rita has quilted her quilt herself. I am inspired and I think I may be able to do mine as well :-)

Then I stumbled upon Cheryll at GoNe StItChIn' who is doing a PhD (Projects Half Done) and I thought I might join in with this.
I don't even know where to start with this one, I have so many PhD's. I will have to start sorting through my boxes and bags and create a list.

I think that should keep me busy for a while. What do you think?
Check back soon to see my list of PhD's.

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