Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Years Eve

Well, it's New Years Eve here in Aus and it's a sorry state.
I'm at home, alone, with the cats, spinning.
I can't be with my love - again, my sister and BIL have taken their children into Newcastle to see the fireworks, my children are with their father and I'm here with the cats.
Does that officially make me a crazy cat lady yet?

I'm spinning some lovely silk/merino blend, waiting for some pea and ham soup to cook (yes, I used the ham bone from the Christmas ham) and contemplating a glass of champagne while juggling my helper at the wheel :-\

Sunday, 29 December 2013


So I've been doing quite a bit of spinning. Heaps really, hence my lack of updates.
Below is one of my latest spinning exploits;

This is some beautifully soft and decadent handdyed mohair from Inverleigh Fibre Farm. It was beautiful to spin and the colours look fantastic together. It has blues, greens, mauve and apricot.

Friday, 27 December 2013


Gladys and Maude is having a giveaway.

To go into the draw, please head on over to Facebook, like the image HERE and leave a comment and then like our page HERE as well.
As soon as we reach 400 Likes, we will draw a winner.
You will receive
1 x Handmade Gladys and Maude Project Bag
1 x Skein of Gladys and Maude Handspun Yarn 100% Merino
1 x Pair Bamboo Knitting Needles
1 x Crochet Hook
Pk 2 Stitch Holders